Regional partnership

On 7 September, 2012, in the presence of Prof. of Economics Gaetano Armao (lawyer), the ISSM "V. Bellini " of Catania signed with the Region of Sicily the protocol agreement entitled “Comunichiamo lo Sviluppo” (“Let’s Communicate Development”).

The agreement “Comunichiamo lo Sviluppo” aims to ensure the widespread distribution throughout  the region of the possibilities which the OP 2007-2013 ERDF offers, opening the door to cooperation, participation and willingness to "network." The network can be joined by both public and private entities through the signing of the protocol agreement.

Commitments undertaken by the  Region:

1.ensure the prompt distribution of information and documents with all partners 

2.involve partners in promotional and informational initiatives to be performed within the Communication Program 

3.provide a space within  the website Euroinfosicilia ( to promote and disseminate information on the activities carried out free of charge by the partners in relation to the implementation of the programme; 

4.promote partnership networks through the tools of action described in the Communication Plan. 

Gli obblighi richiesti ai partner:

1.disseminate throughout the region of Sicily, free of charge and through its organizational network, information, materials and notices relating to the implementation of the Programme; 

2.ensure the operational presence of an information desk open to the public for at least two days a week and have its own website in which the homepage should allow easy access to specific pages devoted to information of the programme activities; 

3.maintain an updated record of contacts and user needs through administrative communication at least every six months. 

By virtue of this protocol, at the ISSM "V. Bellini " Catania is operating an information desk on the European Structural Funds allocated to regions, which is located at the International Office (2nd floor). The contact for the partnership is Prof. Stephen Sanfilippo, the chief executive officer Mr. John Giuffrida, open to the public Mon. Weds. and Fri. from 10 to 13 


The institute has recently signed the anti-mafia code of conduct and the information desk will operate according to the basic rules of transparency of national and European government acts.